Tuesday 2 June 2009

On Saturday

I have... made one child cry by being white, made about 50 children happy by being white (one of them called Nick Obama) and had about 10 photographs with various people. Not quite as bad as Kate who had a bus load of people drive up, surround her and take photos.
Anyway, sorry about the lack of writing, we've had a couple of hectic days. We're staying outside of Bangalore at the NCBS (National Centre for Biological Science), which is a about 20 minutes from IISc (Indian Institute of Science - the main campus) which is then about 30 minutes (in ok traffic) from Bangalore itself....
...so. The first day was fairly uneventful, checking out the main campus, exchanging some money but then we discovered the guy in Thomas Cook (oh yes) was a rapper who then gave us some impromptu freestyle rapping while converting our cash. We then headed to the centre, got some lunch and went to the the park to be accostedby children and adults alike (in a nice way.) A seemingly proffesional photographer turned up at one point, so if anyone heads to India sometime soon, keep an eye out to see if we're the new face of an elite apartment block. We decided to take the Bus back for an authentic experiene - it's as mad as it looks on the photos, you try not to get on last otherwise you spend most of your time trying not to fall out. Two hours later and a pint of sweat less we arrived back. Spent the rest of the evening with Nick, Justine and Sophie on the balcony with a few beers until 4am. Pledged never to return to Bangalore.

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